The title should not exceed 30 words. The title should contain the type of study you did (e.g. review, retrospective study, controlled prospective trial) as well as the main findings of your research. Please type the title into the box Title of contribution.
Your abstract should be a short summary of your scientific work and should contain following items (please type them all into the box Abstract; only plain text – no HTML)
- Introduction
The introduction should provide a brief overview over the topic. - Aim
The aim of the study should contain the main question you were trying to answer. - Material and Methods or Patients and Methods
This section should describe briefly what you did to receive your results.
Please note that for reviews or in vitro or animal studies you should use the heading Material and Methods whereas for studies with patients (including retrospective analysis) you should use Patients and Methods. If you used special statistical analysis you may also describe them in this section. - Results
Write down the results you obtained. - Discussion
Discuss your results in this section. Interpret them and compare them to previous findings. Write down a short conclusion (one sentence is enough).
Abstract text is limited to 250 words. If abbreviations are used, they must be declared on first use – e.g. body-mass index (BMI). All abstracts will be peer reviewed.
Please state the institute(s) and organisations you’re affiliated with. With the following syntax: Institute, Organisation, Place (e.g. Institute for examples, Exampleuniversity, Exampletown)
Conflict of Interests (COI)
A Conflict of Interests is the presence of financial or personal relationships that can influence the work on your studies and potentially distort your results. Declare your possible Conflicts of Interest. If you have none just write: „Nothing to declare“.
GSP (Good Scientific Practice)
General principles of good scientific practise:
1. to work lege artis, i.e. to carry out all research activities according to the legal requirements, ethical principles and the current state of the art in the respective field
2. to document results and procedures, and to save all primary data obtained
3. to review results critically
4. to handle the contributions of partners, competitors and predecessors honestly
5. to avoid and prevent scientific misconduct and fraud in one’s own work and, as far as possible, in one’s own working environment
6. when cooperating within a research group, to assume joint responsibility for joint performance
7. to be familiar with and to adhere to international, national, sectorial and institutional regulations governing working and training conditions (including requirements and conditions of sponsors) and to seek all necessary approvals before starting the research
8. to meet the detailed principles and regulations defined in the following document:
For Experiments with Animals must be followed:
In the abstract, reference must be made the approval of the ethics committee in the case of clinical studies and the approval of the approval authority in the case of animal experiments, stating the file number/ reference number or similar, otherwise the abstract will be rejected.
For GSP confirmation:
By clicking the accept button you confirm that you have respected the standards of Good Scientific Practice (GSP) in your abstract. More information about the GSP can be found at:
For MUG Students:
By clicking on the accept button you confirm that you are a student at the Medical University of Graz and you know that if the abstract is a graduation thesis, it must be officially assigned and approved by the Medical University of Graz via MUGThesis