Oral Sessions
During an oral session participants will have the chance to present their work to an audience and two chairpersons using PowerPoint presentations. Each session will consist of five to seven presenters from the same or related fields of research. Each speaker will be given 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for the discussion afterwards.
The three best oral presentations will be selected by the jury and awarded in the closing ceremony on the last day of the congress.
- 8 min presentation, followed by
- 2 min discussion
Presentation format:
- PowerPoint
Note: Please have your presentation (PowerPoint or PDF) saved on a USB stick.
Poster Sessions
During a poster session participants have the chance to present their work in front of their printed poster and answer follow-up questions from a smaller audience including students and professionals from various research fields. On the day of their presentation the posters will be on display the whole day and can therefore be explained by the author to any interested audience at any time, e.g. during coffee breaks.
Each poster session will consist of five to seven posters from the same or related fields of research and the posters will be displayed in close proximity. During the poster presentation, our jury will be moving from poster to poster. Each speaker will be given 8 minutes to present his poster and answer upcoming questions.
The three best poster presentations will be selected by the jury and awarded in the closing ceremony.
- 8 min presentation, followed by
- 2 min discussion
Presentation format:
- Poster presentation
- A1 size
- Portrait
Note: Posters must be printed by the participants themselves
Optional: The printing of the posters can be ordered at your own expense under the following link https://www.oeh-servicecenter.at/plakate-und-plots/ and then picked up at the campus of the Med Uni Graz.
Please note the following instructions regarding pick-up in the image below: